I know too well that low self-confidence and uncertainty can seriously block our progress in life. For years, right up until my early thirties I struggled with feelings of low self-worth until I learned a very important lesson:
“I can – and am absolutely allowed to – create my own life-experience. I get to do that. Not anyone else. Me.”
As a coach with 25 years of experience, I’m passionate about helping you find your OWN way.
What’s YOUR vision?
What fires you up and has you excited about life?
What’s next for you?
I don’t have these answers – you do – and I’m here to help you uncover those answers for yourself with easy tools and methods that you will be able to use well beyond our sessions together.

“I can see again – The process of going on your course and continuing to practice the techniques of FSN in daily life mean I CAN SEE AGAIN (see myself again, see things clearly, what is right for me, what isn’t etc – having lost that ability a long time ago). It’s like you are taking the role of an expert optician and have provided me with several pairs of new spectacles which make everything clear. I just keep practicing wearing them every day! Thank you, thank you, thank you (that’s past, present and future selves all saying it!)“ — Anna RJ – England

“Uplifting and Inspiring – Future Self Now gave me the confidence to believe I could be who I wanted to be, and the courage to announce that to the world. I enjoyed the very practical ways in which T. showed us how to raise our vibrational energy to be in alignment with our true selves, and the ongoing support over the 10 weeks of the course was uplifting and inspiring. Within 4 months, I had manifested a major part of my Future Self vision.“ — Nikki P. – England

“I can see again – The process of going on your course and continuing to practice the techniques of FSN in daily life mean I CAN SEE AGAIN (see myself again, see things clearly, what is right for me, what isn’t etc – having lost that ability a long time ago). It’s like you are taking the role of an expert optician and have provided me with several pairs of new spectacles which make everything clear. I just keep practicing wearing them every day! Thank you, thank you, thank you (that’s past, present and future selves all saying it!)“ — Anna RJ – England

“Uplifting and Inspiring – Future Self Now gave me the confidence to believe I could be who I wanted to be, and the courage to announce that to the world. I enjoyed the very practical ways in which T. showed us how to raise our vibrational energy to be in alignment with our true selves, and the ongoing support over the 10 weeks of the course was uplifting and inspiring. Within 4 months, I had manifested a major part of my Future Self vision.“ — Nikki P. – England