The deep magic of appreciation

If anyone asks me what the best way to recalibrate is, I say Appreciation. If anyone asks me what the best way to stop over-focusing on the madness 'out there' is, I say Appreciation. If anyone asks me what the best way to regain perspective is, IRead more

You are meant to thrive

You are meant to thrive. Every impulse in nature and the Universe is towards well-being. When we cut ourselves, Nature’s instinct is to do all it can to heal that wound. When environmental disasters like fire, earthquake and tsumami occur, it does not take long for Nature

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Follow the signposts

The house is in reasonable shape, the washing done, children have been picked up from school, fed and homeworked. Had a lovely lunch out with a friend for her birthday. Met some awesome new people. Sometimes happiness simply comes from things going according to plan and smoothly!

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A brain researcher’s findings on happiness

This is a great article from a brain researcher on happiness. Read it here: A brain researcher's findings on happiness Here's what he says in summary: Ask "What am I grateful for?" No answers? Doesn't matter. Just searching helps. Label those negative emotions. Give it a name and your brainRead more

Is lowering our expectations the answer?

The Daily Telegraph reported¹ that keeping expectations low may be the key to happiness – according to researchers at University College London. “It is often said that you will be happier if your expectations are lower,” said lead author, Dr Robb Rutledge. “We find that there is some

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“Fake it til you make it”

The mainstay of my program, Future Self Now, and indeed all Law of Attraction thinking is the idea of feeling yourself in your Now as the best self that you fundamentally know you are. Some know this as ‘Fake it til you make it’. Although this is still

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The 16 Habits of Exuberant Human Beings, by Kate Bratskeir

Greetings Happy Experimenters! Thought you might like to see this great article about exuberance – well worth a read: The 16 Habits of Exuberant Human Beings, by Kate Bratskeir. And if you want to know what the ’16 habits’ are in a nutshell, here they are. (Except there’s

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Holding Infinity in the palm of your hand and Eternity in an hour

“To see a World in a Grain of Sand And a Heaven in a Wild Flower, Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand And Eternity in an hour.” ― William Blake, Auguries of Innocence   It is often a waking dream of mine to imagine what might be happening around the world

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The difference between Gratitude and Appreciation

I’ve just got back from a fabulous time at the Quest Festival in Devon. I had the absolute pleasure of running 4 workshops on Happiness, The Artist’s Way and ‘Future Self Now‘. Everyone who came to my sessions was really up for all the games and exercises

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