Beating myself up

You are meant to thrive

You are meant to thrive. Every impulse in nature and the Universe is towards well-being. When we cut ourselves, Nature’s instinct is to do all it can to heal that wound. When environmental disasters like fire, earthquake and tsumami occur, it does not take long for Nature

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The deadly compare-and-contrast bug

It’s 5 O’clock in the morning. I’ve been awake since 3am. Seems little point in going back to sleep now so here I am confessing what’s on my mind. The deadly compare-and-contrast bug – that’s what. The reason I woke at 3am was because my mind suddenly

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Who’s your travelling companion?

I heard this great metaphor today which I thought I’d share with you. It’s about the way we treat ourselves and a great reminder to be kind. Imagine that you are about to go on a 5 day road trip with someone who’s recently been fired from

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A most happy loss

Yesterday I gave another Future Self Now workshop at Hawkwood College in Stroud. It was a great day – the participants were wonderful and really threw themselves into it. I got home and Guy had made toad-in-the-hole with roast potatoes, veggies and gravy. We then all watched

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