
The deep magic of appreciation

If anyone asks me what the best way to recalibrate is, I say Appreciation. If anyone asks me what the best way to stop over-focusing on the madness 'out there' is, I say Appreciation. If anyone asks me what the best way to regain perspective is, IRead more

A brain researcher’s findings on happiness

This is a great article from a brain researcher on happiness. Read it here: A brain researcher's findings on happiness Here's what he says in summary: Ask "What am I grateful for?" No answers? Doesn't matter. Just searching helps. Label those negative emotions. Give it a name and your brainRead more

Holding Infinity in the palm of your hand and Eternity in an hour

“To see a World in a Grain of Sand And a Heaven in a Wild Flower, Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand And Eternity in an hour.” ― William Blake, Auguries of Innocence   It is often a waking dream of mine to imagine what might be happening around the world

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The difference between Gratitude and Appreciation

I’ve just got back from a fabulous time at the Quest Festival in Devon. I had the absolute pleasure of running 4 workshops on Happiness, The Artist’s Way and ‘Future Self Now‘. Everyone who came to my sessions was really up for all the games and exercises

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Rampages of Appreciation

It’s impossible to be grateful and upset at the same time. In the moment of appreciation – even if it is just a fleeting moment – we are free. When it comes to raising our energy, this is what makes gratitudes, in my opinion, even more powerful

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Meeting ourselves, meeting our self-expression

I’m rather proud of this photo I took yesterday down by the canal in Frampton-on-Severn. It reminds me of what Julia Cameron (author of The Artist’s Way) says about paying attention to the details in our life: People frequently believe the creative life is grounded in fantasy.

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Keep your loved-one on a pedestal

Now that I’ve started running my Artist’s Way workshops again I’m going to be much more conscious about doing Artist’s Dates. These are basically about taking yourself off for about an hour a week just to have fun with you and you. They are meant to be

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Happy Birthday, Happy New Year!

So the school holidays are over, we’re back from our wonderful holiday in Italy and I’m back in blogging-action. Horrah! I missed you all. This blog is now officially 1 years old! Sing along now: Happy birthday to you Squashed tomatoes and stew You look like a

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Happy travels

So today feels like a momentus one as I’ve just waved Julia (aged 13) off at Heathrow airport. She is flying solo for the first time – off to see her Uncle John and Aunt Berenice in Toulouse, France. I’m so proud of my (no longer so)

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