Last week I got unusually busy with 8 extra one-on-one coaching calls and write ups to do on top of my normal workload, two workshops, a couple of parents evenings and sick children at home. At first I was super-proud of myself: Look at me, I can
Read more →Stressed
It’s 5 O’clock in the morning. I’ve been awake since 3am. Seems little point in going back to sleep now so here I am confessing what’s on my mind. The deadly compare-and-contrast bug – that’s what. The reason I woke at 3am was because my mind suddenly
Read more →Another song, another post! (If you want to listen while you read, here it is – sung by Rosemary Clooney): What got me thinking about this today was the realisation that things feel a lot sweeter when we’ve experienced the opposite emotion. For instance, doesn’t a
Read more →I heard this great metaphor today which I thought I’d share with you. It’s about the way we treat ourselves and a great reminder to be kind. Imagine that you are about to go on a 5 day road trip with someone who’s recently been fired from
Read more →On Saturday my daughter becomes a teenager and today, as if in anticipation of that great event, we had to have our first ever serious heart-to-heart. It’s a humbling thing watching your children grow and blossom into their own people, and not without its own sadness too.
Read more →I love the analogy of a mountain river for our lives. We talk about the importance of ‘going with the flow’ but of course life will bring up blockages. It’s the nature of things and part of the fun of living. None of us want our rivers
Read more →Yesterday I woke up and gradually watched a cloud lift from above my head. It floated off into the sky leaving me feeling lighter and yes, happier. Mind you, the cloud didn’t lift until I had given myself a good mental beating-up. How could I have forgotten
Read more →The house is in reasonable shape, the washing done, children have been picked up from school, fed and homeworked. Had a lovely lunch out with a friend for her birthday. Met some awesome new people. Sometimes happiness simply comes from things going according to plan and smoothly!
Read more →We’ve had a lovely time with family and dear friends this weekend but in between times Guy, the kids and I have all been a bit snappy with each other. Roll on the Christmas holidays – I think we’re all in need of slowing down. I don’t
Read more →Today the children went back to school. Ahhh – time to myself! I so value having moments absolutely alone in the house. This morning I had to let myself read my book a little, lie in a bath after the gym and just breathe out a bit.
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