
The deadly compare-and-contrast bug

It’s 5 O’clock in the morning. I’ve been awake since 3am. Seems little point in going back to sleep now so here I am confessing what’s on my mind. The deadly compare-and-contrast bug – that’s what. The reason I woke at 3am was because my mind suddenly

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It don’t mean a thing if it aint got that swing

Another song, another post! (If you want to listen while you read, here it is – sung by Rosemary Clooney): What got me thinking about this today was the realisation that things feel a lot sweeter when we’ve experienced the opposite emotion. For instance, doesn’t a

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Who’s your travelling companion?

I heard this great metaphor today which I thought I’d share with you. It’s about the way we treat ourselves and a great reminder to be kind. Imagine that you are about to go on a 5 day road trip with someone who’s recently been fired from

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The breadcrumb trail

The house is in reasonable shape, the washing done, children have been picked up from school, fed and homeworked. Had a lovely lunch out with a friend for her birthday. Met some awesome new people. Sometimes happiness simply comes from things going according to plan and smoothly!

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Coming back to home and heart

We’ve had a lovely time with family and dear friends this weekend but in between times Guy, the kids and I have all been a bit snappy with each other. Roll on the Christmas holidays – I think we’re all in need of slowing down. I don’t

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The power of comfort

Today the children went back to school. Ahhh – time to myself! I so value having moments absolutely alone in the house. This morning I had to let myself read my book a little, lie in a bath after the gym and just breathe out a bit.

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