
Follow the signposts

The house is in reasonable shape, the washing done, children have been picked up from school, fed and homeworked. Had a lovely lunch out with a friend for her birthday. Met some awesome new people. Sometimes happiness simply comes from things going according to plan and smoothly!

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Turn your Face to the Sun

A poem by Maithri Goonetilleke: Beloved, There are days when nothing seems right. When every shell you pick up on the winding shore is broken. When the silken treasure slips through your fingers too quickly. When comforts are empty. And the world is noise. On those jagged

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Starfish wisdom

For many years now I’ve adopted the starfish as my personal emblem. My friends know this, and over the years Ive been gifted with some spectacular starfish things like this silver necklace from my great friend, Kelly in Canada: and recently Rachel, a very good friend and

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Meeting ourselves, meeting our self-expression

I’m rather proud of this photo I took yesterday down by the canal in Frampton-on-Severn. It reminds me of what Julia Cameron (author of The Artist’s Way) says about paying attention to the details in our life: People frequently believe the creative life is grounded in fantasy.

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How to Uncover Your Greatest Value

I loved this post by Leadership Freak – sometimes we don’t really understand our true value. What do others say are your strong points? Listen to these – they’re what make us unique and what we have to offer the world: How to Uncover Your Greatest Value.

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Drawing meditation

As I explore the art of paying attention I have just become  aware of Mandalas. I tried one today for the first time and here’s my very modest result.   Mandalas are rooted in the traditions of Tibetan Buddhism and Native American spirituality. Modern psychologists also use

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How conscious do I dare to be?

So, it’s now Year Two of this Happiness blog and, as I mentioned in my last post, I’ve taken on the fresh challenge (hence my new tagline) of daring to be more conscious. This is why…. Reality – the ‘what’s-so’ of things has always appeared to me

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Happy Birthday, Happy New Year!

So the school holidays are over, we’re back from our wonderful holiday in Italy and I’m back in blogging-action. Horrah! I missed you all. This blog is now officially 1 years old! Sing along now: Happy birthday to you Squashed tomatoes and stew You look like a

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If you’re interested in Leadership as I am, this is a great blog from ‘Leadership Freak’ about developing and honouring commitment in yourself and others. I love the line: “Don’t expect them to be committed to you if you aren’t committed to them.”

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When the Universe answers

Of course the Universe always answers. The only impediment to us knowing this, is our listening (or lack of). There are days though when it feels like: “I ask and it is given”. Today for instance… This morning I was bemoaning the fact that there are no

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