Today I spent the day with fellow parents at the children’s school creating crafts to sell at our Advent Fair in November. I never fail to get uplifted by working in community. It seems a vital part of being human this coming together for mutual and wider benefit.
I’m someone who loves to be alone. I relish my own company and get a bit cranky if I don’t get me-time for a while. However, like so many things, it’s a balancing act between healthy introspection and getting out in the world to actively participate with others.
But how do we judge this? Here’s one idea…how about creating a new machine called the Resent-o-meter? This device would sound a loud klaxon and spray water in your face when resentment starts to bubble in your mind.
- If you resent others imposing on you all the time …… time for some YOU time.
- If you’re resent ing being alone, having watched one too many episodes of Celebrity Master Chef…. time to go and volunteer some time at the school/church/charity bring-and-buy sale!
Here’s two quotes in praise of both states:
You cannot be lonely if you like the person you’re alone with.
Wayne Dyer
No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent.
John Donne
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